
Scholarship Application


NH Bringing Back the Trades event will award $50,000 in scholarships to NH applicants.

Applying is easy! Simply complete the form below, write an essay or share a short video explaining why you deserve the scholarship. Essays should be submitted via the form, videos may be emailed to

Deadline: October 15th, 2024


Please complete this application for an opportunity to be selected to receive a scholarship

"*" indicates required fields


SUCCESS STORIES NH Bring Back the Trades Scholarship Winners

Hi, my name is Connor. I started at seacoast school of technology in the welding program graduated 2016 then worked fabricating steel for novel iron works before going to divers institute of technology where I got the scholarship from you guys, I worked in the commercial diving industry for 2 years before moving in to the iron working industry where I’ve been for 3 years, hanging steel for mostly commercial buildings and some residential, doing a lot of structural welding all around northern New England for RMS ironworks.

testi - Connor

SUCCESS STORIES NH Bring Back the Trades Scholarship Winners

Hi, my name is Hannah. I have always had a love for working with my hands from the time I was a little girl, always fixing and tinking around with something. From a young age I knew I would be doing something in the trades one day. I have learned the trade of welding in high school for the last two years and absolutely love it.

I’m looking forward to a successful career in the trade of welding. I hope I can inspire more young women like myself to get into the trades.

testi - Hannah