Thank you to everyone who has applied for the NH Bringing Back the Trades scholarships. The application closed on Oct. 15th, 2024.
We look forward to awarding $50,000 in scholarships to NH applicants at the NH Bringing Back the Trades and Tradeapalooza event with Mike Rowe on Friday, November 15th at NHTI. Make sure to get your tickets on Eventbrite to attend!
SUCCESS STORIES NH Bring Back the Trades Scholarship Winners
Hi, my name is Connor. I started at seacoast school of technology in the welding program graduated 2016 then worked fabricating steel for novel iron works before going to divers institute of technology where I got the scholarship from you guys, I worked in the commercial diving industry for 2 years before moving in to the iron working industry where I’ve been for 3 years, hanging steel for mostly commercial buildings and some residential, doing a lot of structural welding all around northern New England for RMS ironworks.
SUCCESS STORIES NH Bring Back the Trades Scholarship Winners
Hi, my name is Hannah. I have always had a love for working with my hands from the time I was a little girl, always fixing and tinking around with something. From a young age I knew I would be doing something in the trades one day. I have learned the trade of welding in high school for the last two years and absolutely love it.
I’m looking forward to a successful career in the trade of welding. I hope I can inspire more young women like myself to get into the trades.